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Mount Sinai School of Medicine
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To understand behavior and it's plasticity, it is essential to understand the neurotransmitters and neuromodulators that are involved. We have been using a variety of molecular, biochemical and histological techniques to identify and characterize the neurotransmitters and neuromodulators that are involved in the generation and plasticity of feeding behavior in Aplysia. Using these techniques, we can identify the transmitters used by specific neurons of interest. Conversely, we can identify novel neuronal elements in the feeding circuitry by mapping the expression of various neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. It is becoming clear that many neurons use multiple neurotransmitters and neuromodulators to accomplish their functions. The richness in the signaling systems of individual neurons may be critical in producing the richness in behavioral output.

For example, many of the neurons in the feeding circuitry of Aplysia contain a variety of neuropeptides. In many cases, the actions of the neuropeptide applied to the feeding circuitry parallel the actions produced by stimulating the neurons that contain them. For example, some of the command like neurons (e.g. CBI-2) that can generate fictive feeding when stimulated contain neuropeptides (FCAPs) that also can produce fictive feeding when applied to the feeding circuitry. Other neuropeptides can switch output of the feeding circuitry. For example, APGWamide can convert egestive fictive feeding to ingestive ones. Interestingly, one of the command like neurons (CBI-3) has similar actions on fictive feeding and contains APGWamide. Many of the command like neurons also contain multiple neuropeptides, and in some cases, multiple small molecule transmitters. The function of these multiple transmitter systems are likely to be relevant to behavior and plasticity in mammals and man.

Selected Publications:

Koh HY, Vilim FS, Jing J, Weiss KR. Two neuropeptides colocalized in a command-like neuron use distinct mechanisms to enhance its fast synaptic connection. J Neurophysiol. 2003 Jul 2 [Epub ahead of print]

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Jing J, Vilim FS, Wu JS, Park JH, Weiss KR. Concerted GABAergic actions of Aplysia feeding interneurons in motor program specification. J Neurosci. 2003 Jun 15;23(12):5283-94.

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Dembrow NC, Jing J, Proekt A, Romero A, Vilim FS, Cropper EC, Weiss KR. A newly identified buccal interneuron initiates and modulates feeding motor programs in Aplysia. J Neurophysiol. 2003 Jun 11 [Epub ahead of print]

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Furukawa Y, Nakamaru K, Sasaki K, Fujisawa Y, Minakata H, Ohta S, Morishita F, Matsushima O, Li L, Alexeeva V, Ellis TA, Dembrow NC, Jing J, Sweedler JV, Weiss KR, Vilim FS. PRQFVamide, a novel pentapeptide identified from the CNS and gut of Aplysia. J Neurophysiol. 2003 Jun;89(6):3114-27. Epub 2003 Feb 26.

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Nystedt JM, Brandt AM, Mandelin J, Vilim FS, Ziff EB, Panula P. Analysis of human neuropeptide FF gene expression. J Neurochem. 2002 Sep;82(6):1330-42.

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Sweedler JV, Li L, Rubakhin SS, Alexeeva V, Dembrow NC, Dowling O, Jing J, Weiss KR, Vilim FS. Identification and characterization of the feeding circuit-activating peptides, a novel neuropeptide family of aplysia. J Neurosci. 2002 Sep 1;22(17):7797-808.

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Morgan PT, Jing J, Vilim FS, Weiss KR. Interneuronal and peptidergic control of motor pattern switching in Aplysia. J Neurophysiol. 2002 Jan;87(1):49-61.

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Vilim FS, Alexeeva V, Moroz LL, Li L, Moroz TP, Sweedler JV, Weiss KR. Cloning, expression and processing of the CP2 neuropeptide precursor of Aplysia. Peptides. 2001 Dec;22(12):2027-38.

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Furukawa Y, Nakamaru K, Wakayama H, Fujisawa Y, Minakata H, Ohta S, Morishita F, Matsushima O, Li L, Romanova E, Sweedler JV, Park JH, Romero A, Cropper EC, Dembrow NC, Jing J, Weiss KR, Vilim FS. The enterins: a novel family of neuropeptides isolated from the enteric nervous system and CNS of Aplysia. J Neurosci. 2001 Oct 15;21(20):8247-61.

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Li L, Floyd PD, Rubakhin SS, Romanova EV, Jing J, Alexeeva VY, Dembrow NC, Weiss KR, Vilim FS, Sweedler JV. Cerebrin prohormone processing, distribution and action in Aplysia californica. J Neurochem. 2001 Jun;77(6):1569-80.

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Karhunen T, Vilim FS, Alexeeva V, Weiss KR, Church PJ. Targeting of peptidergic vesicles in cotransmitting terminals. J Neurosci. 2001 Feb 1;21(3):RC127.

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Hurwitz I, Cropper EC, Vilim FS, Alexeeva V, Susswein AJ, Kupfermann I, Weiss KR. Serotonergic and peptidergic modulation of the buccal mass protractor muscle (I2) in aplysia. J Neurophysiol. 2000 Dec;84(6):2810-20.

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Li L, Romanova EV, Rubakhin SS, Alexeeva V, Weiss KR, Vilim FS, Sweedler JV. Peptide profiling of cells with multiple gene products: combining immunochemistry and MALDI mass spectrometry with on-plate microextraction. Anal Chem. 2000 Aug 15;72(16):3867-74.
Vilim FS, Cropper EC, Price DA, Kupfermann I, Weiss KR. Peptide cotransmitter release from motorneuron B16 in aplysia californica: costorage, corelease, and functional implications. J Neurosci. 2000 Mar 1;20(5):2036-42.

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Onoprishvili I, Andria ML, Vilim FS, Hiller JM, Simon EJ. The bovine mu-opioid receptor: cloning of cDNA and pharmacological characterization of the receptor expressed in mammalian cells. Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 1999 Nov 10;73(1-2):129-37.
Fujisawa Y, Furukawa Y, Ohta S, Ellis TA, Dembrow NC, Li L, Floyd PD, Sweedler JV, Minakata H, Nakamaru K, Morishita F, Matsushima O, Weiss KR, Vilim FS. The Aplysia mytilus inhibitory peptide-related peptides: identification, cloning, processing, distribution, and action. J Neurosci. 1999 Nov 1;19(21):9618-34.

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Evans CG, Vilim FS, Harish O, Kupfermann I, Weiss KR, Cropper EC. Modulation of radula opener muscles in Aplysia. J Neurophysiol. 1999 Sep;82(3):1339-51.

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Floyd PD, Li L, Rubakhin SS, Sweedler JV, Horn CC, Kupfermann I, Alexeeva VY, Ellis TA, Dembrow NC, Weiss KR, Vilim FS. Insulin prohormone processing, distribution, and relation to metabolism in Aplysia californica. J Neurosci. 1999 Sep 15;19(18):7732-41.

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Vilim FS, Aarnisalo AA, Nieminen ML, Lintunen M, Karlstedt K, Kontinen VK, Kalso E, States B, Panula P, Ziff E. Gene for pain modulatory neuropeptide NPFF: induction in spinal cord by noxious stimuli. Mol Pharmacol. 1999 May;55(5):804-11.

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Srivastava S, Osten P, Vilim FS, Khatri L, Inman G, States B, Daly C, DeSouza S, Abagyan R, Valtschanoff JG, Weinberg RJ, Ziff EB. Novel anchorage of GluR2/3 to the postsynaptic density by the AMPA receptor-binding protein ABP. Neuron. 1998 Sep;21(3):581-91.

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Osten P, Srivastava S, Inman GJ, Vilim FS, Khatri L, Lee LM, States BA, Einheber S, Milner TA, Hanson PI, Ziff EB. The AMPA receptor GluR2 C terminus can mediate a reversible, ATP-dependent interaction with NSF and alpha- and beta-SNAPs. Neuron. 1998 Jul;21(1):99-110.

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Vilim FS, Cropper EC, Price DA, Kupfermann I, Weiss KR. Release of peptide cotransmitters in Aplysia: regulation and functional implications. J Neurosci. 1996 Dec 15;16(24):8105-14.

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Vilim FS, Price DA, Lesser W, Kupfermann I, Weiss KR. Costorage and corelease of modulatory peptide cotransmitters with partially antagonistic actions on the accessory radula closer muscle of Aplysia californica. J Neurosci. 1996 Dec 15;16(24):8092-104.

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Brezina V, Bank B, Cropper EC, Rosen S, Vilim FS, Kupfermann I, Weiss KR. Nine members of the myomodulin family of peptide cotransmitters at the B16-ARC neuromuscular junction of Aplysia. J Neurophysiol. 1995 Jul;74(1):54-72.
Cropper EC, Brezina V, Vilim FS, Harish O, Price DA, Rosen S, Kupfermann I, Weiss KR. FRF peptides in the ARC neuromuscular system of Aplysia: purification and physiological actions. J Neurophysiol. 1994 Nov;72(5):2181-95.
Probst WC, Cropper EC, Heierhorst J, Hooper SL, Jaffe H, Vilim F, Beushausen S, Kupfermann I, Weiss KR. cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of Aplysia twitchin may mediate modulation of muscle contractions by neuropeptide cotransmitters. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1994 Aug 30;91(18):8487-91.
Heierhorst J, Probst WC, Vilim FS, Buku A, Weiss KR. Autophosphorylation of molluscan twitchin and interaction of its kinase domain with calcium/calmodulin. J Biol Chem. 1994 Aug 19;269(33):21086-93.
Vilim FS, Cropper EC, Rosen SC, Tenenbaum R, Kupfermann I, Weiss KR. Structure, localization, and action of buccalin B: a bioactive peptide from Aplysia. Peptides. 1994;15(6):959-69.
Miller MW, Beushausen S, Cropper EC, Eisinger K, Stamm S, Vilim FS, Vitek A, Zajc A, Kupfermann I, Brosius J, et al. The buccalin-related neuropeptides: isolation and characterization of an Aplysia cDNA clone encoding a family of peptide cotransmitters. J Neurosci. 1993 Aug;13(8):3346-57.
Weiss KR, Brezina V, Cropper EC, Heierhorst J, Hooper SL, Probst WC, Rosen SC, Vilim FS, Kupfermann I. Physiology and biochemistry of peptidergic cotransmission in Aplysia. J Physiol Paris. 1993;87(3):141-51. Review.

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Weiss KR, Brezina V, Cropper EC, Hooper SL, Miller MW, Probst WC, Vilim FS, Kupfermann I. Peptidergic co-transmission in Aplysia: functional implications for rhythmic behaviors. Experientia. 1992 May 15;48(5):456-63. Review.
Miller MW, Alevizos A, Cropper EC, Vilim FS, Karagogeos D, Kupfermann I, Weiss KR. Localization of myomodulin-like immunoreactivity in the central nervous system and peripheral tissues of Aplysia californica. J Comp Neurol. 1991 Dec 22;314(4):627-44.
Cropper EC, Vilim FS, Alevizos A, Tenenbaum R, Kolks MA, Rosen S, Kupfermann I, Weiss KR. Structure, bioactivity, and cellular localization of myomodulin B: a novel Aplysia peptide. Peptides. 1991 Jul-Aug;12(4):683-90.
Cropper EC, Miller MW, Vilim FS, Tenenbaum R, Kupfermann I, Weiss KR. Buccalin is present in the cholinergic motor neuron B16 of Aplysia and it depresses accessory radula closer muscle contractions evoked by stimulation of B16. Brain Res. 1990 Mar 26;512(1):175-9.
Mahadik SP, Vilim F, Korenovsky A, Karpiak SE. GM1 ganglioside protects nucleus basalis from excitotoxin damage: reduced cortical cholinergic losses and animal mortality. J Neurosci Res. 1988 Aug;20(4):479-83.
Karpiak SE, Vilim F, Mahadik SP. Gangliosides accelerate rat neonatal learning and levels of cortical acetylcholinesterases. Dev Neurosci. 1983-84;6(2):127-35.